Were it not for Gurumaharaj, we would not have had the rare opportunities ofserving you, enquiring and taking siksa from you, and for being chota bhai andchoti didi to you.
On 27 August this year I sent a message to Loksanga as I did not want totrouble you with emails.
In that email, I quoted part of a sloka from Bhagavad gita that I repeat here:
namo namas te'stu sahasra-krtvah
punas ca bhiiyo'pi namo namas te
Thus I offer my respectful obeisances unto
You a thousand times, and again and yet again!
Prabhuji, please be assured that in Durban, South Africa, there are two totally
unworthy and insignificant devotees who keep you constantly in their prayer andmiss you a lot.
Two who will meet you again someday and reminisce on our meetings, lovingexchanges and sankirtan on the streets of Durban.
Hare Krishna prabhuji.
Please accept my dandavat pranams at you lotus feet.
Your servant,
Krishna Baladev dasa
South Africa.