1 September 2015
Hillcrest, South Africa

Dear Sankirtan Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to our Guru Varga.

All glories to the vaisnava devotees of the Lord.

I received some advice from you regarding Srimad Bhagvatam 12th canto and 6th canto. I found to be very interesting especially 12th canto, chapter 17, it seems it is the shortest chapter in the Bhagvatam and very instructive about the body and the soul. Thank you.

I have been making enquiries from Bhakta Aneer about your condition and I am daily praying to you. I have your picture and also daily you are in my prayers. You have performed wonderful services to Srila Prabhupada’s mission over the years, preaching in difficult countries like China and without doubt your future position is very auspicious.

Quite frankly I would swop your health for my health or rather your position for my position because I would want you to continue preaching because you know Chinese and you have been offered Sannyasa and you can do so much in China whereas I am a basket-case, confined to my bed 21 hours a day and barely able to preach for one hour a week. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and the quality of my life is terrible but still whatever energy I have I would swop with you, so you could live longer but unfortunately it is not in my hands, but if it was, I would gladly do it.

I remember when you came to South Africa, everyone was very enlivened but somehow or other it seems Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has another plan. As it is said in Srimad Bhagvatam canto 1 chapter 9 text 16, “It is impossible to understand the plan of the Lord” because you are a mainstream important preacher and you know Chinese and this is the biggest forefront and preaching challenge for our mission – to try to preach to 1.3 billion Chinese. There are so few devotees who have this inclination, what to speak of knowing the language and yet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is taking you away. But the Lord has His plan and ours is not to question why, ours is just to do and die.

With your permission I will continue praying to you every day. I am not praying for you but I am praying to you because you have such spiritual shakti and strength and firm faith in your Guru Maharaj, siksa Gurus and especially Srila Prabhupada. I also pray for the same guru-srada and guru-nishta.