The word is ‘sakala-brahmanda jivera’ which means all the living entities in the universe have been ‘karila nistara,’ delivered. This means when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was present 500 years ago He delivered, to the spiritual world, all the fish, all the birds, all the mosquitoes, all humans, all tress etc. These entities performed no sadhana bhakti so what’s the position of someone like you, who for many years dedicated their life strictly performing sadhana bhakti and on top of that, preaching. Surely your destination will at least be equal to all the living entities who got liberation when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was present.
Simple logic dictates that your destination will be the spiritual world.
Another proof from Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.49
“While dying, Ajamila chanted the holy name of the Lord, intending to call his son Narayana. Nevertheless, he attained the spiritual world. What to speak to those who chant the holy name with faith and reverence.”
Ajamila, simply by accidentally chanting the holy name attained the spiritual world. The word used is kim uta, which means, what to speak of someone like you who has chanted Krishna’s name for years with respect, veneration, devotion and love. If Ajamila can get such an amazing result in a previous sattva age, surely someone in the fallen Kali Yuga can get the same result.
So the undeniable conclusion is that your destination is the Lord’s pastimes and I congratulate you for achieving the ultimate goal of life.
I hope this meets you better health and blissful Krishna consciousness. I remain,
Your servant,
Partha Sarathi Das Goswami