Two years ago, in October 2013, a tumour appeared in Sankirtan Prabhu’s throat, which developed into a malignant cancer. He tried several natural treatments in vain, and then came to Beijing for a more aggressive treatment. His dear sister Vanamali devi dasi dedicated herself entirely to looking after him in the best natural environment until it was clear that he would not be able to win this battle. It is clear however, and from the auspicious way that he departed, in fully clarity of spirit, that he had won the battle in this material world and returned to Krsna on His appearance day.
There are no words to describe how pleasing it is to the spiritual master, the guru parampara and Lord Caitanya when a vaisnava such as Sankirtan Prabhu dedicate his life to go places where no one else will, where there are no temples and no association and where Krsna consciousness is not accepted. The risks taken and the austerities that come with it make one very dear to Lord Krishna. As such Sankirtan Prabhu was due to embrace the renounced order life, sannyasa, as approved during the last 2015 Mayapur GBC meeting, though he lived like a proper sannyasi for many years. May his memories inspire many to take up the banner of preaching and be as exemplary as he was.