My Dearest Brother Sankirtana Prabhuji,
Hare Krishna
Please accept my most humble obeisances.
All glories to our Gurudev.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
……………… and all glories to you.
Strange are the ways of the Lord. I was never that fortunate to have any personal or direct association with such an exalted Vaisnava such as you.
Yet your compassion and mercy even reached me and you allowed me to serve you in a minuscule manner.
Devotees make the mistake of thinking I am responsible for the loksanga google group and thus receive many requests. But this was the one time which I will cherish for the rest of my life.
This was your letter.
“Could you help me get out of this conference? It sounds weird, but I’m not able to read the messages and often overlook the other important things due to that overload. Please do not mind, it has nothing to do with the posting.”
Prabhuji, that letter with your request carried your humility and compassion thousands of miles all the way from Vraja. How could I not “help”? Devotees talk about overload, too many mails, yet yours was so different. I endeavoured to comply to your request and 6 communications later,it was finally done.You never expressed any anger or disappointment that it took so long. In fact this is what you wrote:
Thank you…. Obeisances to you and your devoted husband.”
It didn't stop there. Your purity and esteem shone like an effulgent ray of light engulfing this unknown servant. Your gratitude suddenly made her “worthy” of being a recipient of all your updates that you so kindly shared.
It was in this manner that I remained connected to you and the lessons that I have learnt will forever stay with me. Your equipoised attitude. Your love and devotion to Srila Prabhupada. Your eternal gratitude to your Guru Maharaja. Your undying humility and the perpetual smile on your face emanating the happiness from within and always mirroring your Krishna conscious thoughts . These and so many more will always will be a constant reminder.
I will truly miss not hearing from you.
Your unworthy little sister,
Dinanukampa dd