Dearest Sankirtana Prabhu,
Please accept my most humble obeisance
All glories to Guru Maharaj
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you, dear Vaisnava Thakur
Firstly, please forgive me for not communicating more frequently.
From the core of my heart, I truly am sorry.
The news of your current situation and stance you have taken did come as a surprise to me but do admit I can understand why.
Prabhu, I first met you whilst on Navadvipa mandala parikrama during the 95” Gaura Purnima festival.
A few weeks later I moved to the Centennial House in Delhi and by the request of Guru Maharaj stayed with you on the 3rd floor of the building. It was there that I got to know you and also assist with Sahasra Tirtha jala under your guidance. I recall contracting Malaria and seeing that Guru Maharaj was concerned about my health you ensured that I get treated by personally taking me to the GP for five consecutive days.
This kind gesture clearly showed me how the older brother takes care of the younger one.
Your interaction with Guru Maharaj, God brothers and sisters, devotees and every human being in general gives us a good indication as to your level of surrender, dedication, devotion, and loyalty that you have for the Lord and Srila Prabhupada’s movement.
I can’t recall anytime where I observed you being complacent in your spiritual life.
It was really overwhelming when I first heard some years ago of your plans to visit South Africa as
I knew then of the invaluable association our yatra will be getting.
You have mastered the art of preaching, knowing who to preach to, when to preach and how to preach
And off course your enthusiasm to preach says it all because living for you means spreading the Holy Name around.
I would like to inform you that last Saturday we arranged a short Padayatra and the harmonium that you had donated to the brahmacari ashram was used during the kirtana.
This brought back memories of your many spontaneous harinams that we’ve had in the past.
One time you asked Guru Maharaj why he doesn’t ever chastise you.
Guru Maharaj’s response was that he doesn’t need to because you are doing everything correctly.