There was some communication between Sankirtan Prabhu and myself through email during his last months. He included me on his mailing list to share updates on his health and realizations. I took that opportunity to learn from him how to leave this world. On August 2nd he emailed an update and wrote:
“I also aim to not be a disappointment and be able to at least show some kind of example of how to leave this world. I wish to confidently face my destiny. And for this I need all possible support; I believe to accomplish the overcoming of a number of lingering impediments, mercy is most essential. Therefore, I write here to all of you: please do not consider this merely a dutiful update, rather consider it as my sincere and perhaps final plea for your unending blessings. Your indebted servant, definitely in need of help, Sankirtana dasa”
I also took this opportunity to say my “goodbye” to him. I wrote him thanking him for everything he had done for our Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON. I praised his preaching and purity. His replies were short and sweet:
On July 16th 2015:
“Thank you for your support....I really need it...your servant, Sankirtan das”
“Please bestow your blessings upon this fallen servant, your servant, Sankirtana”
I’m very proud to have a pure devotee Godbrother that went back Home to Krsna in this lifetime. I will miss his association through emails and Vyasa Puja offerings. Thank you my dear Godbrother and please send me your blessings so that I can join you back Home in this lifetime. With lots of love for you dear Sankirtan Prabhu, until we meet again. Hare Krsna.
Your servant godsister,
Vrndavana Lila Dasi