Hare Krishna PAMHO,All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I am not able to digest that my dear god brother has left his body,he was one of my Siksha Guru i learned a lot just by observing his aacharan , renunciation.He is a devotee who always carries tons and tons of smiles a very unique quality,In one of his gathering with Ahmedabad gob brothers and
sisters he said people come to devotees because we give them the joy which no one else can give them.material world is full of exploitation but a devotee tries to make others happy.
H.G.Sankirtan prabhu association gives strength and energy to fight maya,his association makes devotional life more easier. Once may be in the year 2011 or 10 prabhu came to Ahmedabad i had a chance to have his association the other day he was suppose to leave to Dwarika,i just asked him if i can serve him by any chance ,he agreed to drop him to the railway station in the morning after mangal arti,i was over joyed and asked him shall i prepare prasadam but he denied i took some fruits for him.In the morning when i droped him to the station i asked him which coach number he has booked the ticket surprisingly he said he has not done any reservation,he always like to travel in general.He said in reservation coach generally people are puffed up but in general compartment he can talk to any one and he can get down any where and start preaching,he was down to earth i have never seen such a personality before.In train general compartment was packed but as soon as he entered into the coach people offered him a seat saying swamiji please have a seat they sacrificed their seat for prabhuji.I was moved by his purity and his dependency on Krishna and guru.
In one more occasion where it was a disciple gathering in Ahmedabad he asked everyone indivi-dually what was their problem and once all explained their problems in spiritual practice he gave a simple answer which solves all the problems.He asked what is our identity Jevara swarup krishna-nera nithya das,our identity is we are servants of the supreme lord when we want to become a boss we need to suffer you always remain a servant you will never have any problems.He taught with his aacharan to be a humble servant to the supreme lord.
Today this servant when back to his supreme master to serve him eternally.Thank you GuruMaha-raj for giving us such elevated and strong god brother who is a role model and we take inspiration following his teachings.Today i am in tears feeling lot of separation he may not be
knowing me but i am inspired by his siksha and aacharan.
Hare Krishna
JaiNithai Das
Ahmedabad India