Hare Krishna!
Dear Chandrasekhar Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you very much for your kind notice. Taichung devotees had Sankirtana Prabhu¡∆s memory celebration on Janmastami under Krishna Baladeva Prabhu¡∆s guidance. It¡∆s simple, but deep and touching. Sankirtana Prabhu has done so much for this region of the world. We love him deeply and will reciprocate his sweet friendship and wonderful devotional service by our constant service in Srila Prabhupada¡∆s mission.

Your servant,
Shyamasundari d.d. (steven matthews)

Hare Krishna,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Below is a short description from Radhananda dasi, wife of Dayal Nitai dasa, who is presently in Switzerland and has heard from Vanamali dasi, Sankirtan Prabhu's sister. Other details may come as the days progress but this is what we have at present. You are welcoome to share this message with others

Radha Charan Prabhu has written something that will be posted on dandavats and will shall arrange other devotees to write memories etc during the course of the next week or two. Any of you are also welcome to write something to either share on danadvats.com or among the devotee community in this region of the world.

It would be nice if the devotees could arrange memory celebrations in their respective Yatras sometime after Srila Prabhupada's appearance day. You may also wish to do something on Janmastami itself or Srila Prabhupada's appearance day

Your servant
Chandrasekhar dasa

Radhananda dd: Dayal Nitai prabhu told me, according to Vanamali mataji said, last night Sankirtan prabhu was very weak, and hardly spoke and hardly understand, and the last spoke from Sankritan prabhu was he felt fully confident.... then this early morning he started to breathe deeply....Vanamali mataji called the doctor, just befort the doctor came, Sankritan prabhu had his last breath. 2 other local devotees came to the room, they had kirtan together, and they asked Dayal Nitai prabhu shareing some memories of Sankritan prabhu,( they didn't know much about what Sankritan prabhu in Asia,( that was the idea of collecting the memories of Sankritan prabhu.) somehow Sankritan prabhu's eyes open, and as bright as he was alife, Vanamali mataji was trying to close them, but she couldn't. so Sankirtan prabhu's body looked like he was still there. According to Vanamali mataji, Sankritan prabhu's body will stay in the room till Monday, hopefully can get cremation on Monday.