Memories of Guru Maharaja's first qualified Sannayasa candidate His Grace
Sankirtana Das Prabhu.
Dear Sankirtana Prabhu.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to GuruMaharaja
I wish icould have realised it before you were gone. Youwere such a amazingcharacter and wish I could have more days with you. I thinkyou are doingwell there. As a Sannyasi you could have guided us. You left usbefore yourSannyasa initiation but you must have had a purpose in leaving usearly.
You truly inspired so many people. I want to first thank you for beingaprime example to be one of the first qualified sannyasa candidate ofGuru Maharaja. Youwere a person who showed compassion, empathy and love toeveryone you meet witha big smile. You were deeply rooted into yourservice to others. Your kindheart will never be forgotten. One of myfondest memories with you is yourpresentation of philosophical views during and after lectures.
One week ago, before your departure at the Wada Farm inMumbai, GuruMaharaja updated me about the state of your health. Guru Maharajawasstirred by emotion. I could see it on his face. He was touched andtoomoved to speak further. Guru Maharaja told me you might be leavingsoon. It was difficult for me to acknowledge and tosay how much you meantfor us as an elder brother.
Now I can undoubtedlyunderstand how dear youare to Guru Maharaja.
Thank you very much for all what you have done for us.Seeking for yourblessings.
Yours small brother servant.
Sundara Lala Das